A team of mercenaries under the command of hard-charging war veteran Mack (Gooding Jr.), are contracted by a mysterious CIA operative named Elissa (Cruz) to rescue a scientist (Perlman) working on an archeological discovery deep under the Middle Eastern desert. With the help of a mysterious priest (Rollins), Mack and his team soon discover the true secret of what lies beneath the sands. A secret that has been protected for thousands of years. A secret that is not of this Earth.
The.Devils.Tomb.DVDSCR.XviD-BULLDOZER ---------------------------------- Release Date - May 02, 2009 Retail Date - May 26, 2009 Resolution - 608 x 320 Audio - 130 kbps mp3 vbr Bitrate - 876 kbps Runtime - 1 Hour 31 Mins IMDB -
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