Genre: Drama Year: 2008 Country: USA Runtime: 102 min Director: Pablo Veliz Cast: Marian Zapico, Zach Thatcher, Cambell Westmoreland , Manuel Garcia, Pedro Castaneda, Chuck Cureau, Santiago Villalobos, Luis Caldeira, Evie A. Armstrong
.: Plot :. Danny Ortega is imprisoned for a crime of justice at a very young age. After 17 years in prison, he returns to his town of Houston to find that crime and drugs have overturned what he once called home. When he attempts to rebuild his life, the lust for power overtakes him and launches him into the world that he always dreaded.
_______________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ BUY US A COFFEE-THANK YOU! :) EVO,MAXSPEED,KILLERS,SKIDROW-GROUP ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ Catch me if you can #7A35090F
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_______________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ BUY US A COFFEE-THANK YOU! :) EVO,MAXSPEED,KILLERS,SKIDROW-GROUP ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ Catch me if you can #7A35090F
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